Comvita Manuka Honey Review

Have you ever heard of Comvita Manuka Honey? It’s New Zealand’s number one Manuka brand and it’s packed with incredible health benefits. This raw and wild honey is sourced from the nectar of Manuka flowers in the pristine forests of New Zealand. With its unique properties and natural compounds, this superfood is perfect for adding to your tea, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, or simply enjoying by the spoonful. Whether you’re looking to boost your daily vitality or want to try a DIY skin brightening facemask, Comvita Manuka Honey is the perfect choice!

In this review, we’ll be taking a closer look at Comvita Manuka Honey and all its amazing qualities. From its certified UMF 5+ rating to its raw and unpasteurized nature, this honey truly sets the gold standard. We’ll also explore the confusion surrounding Manuka honey ratings and origins and why it’s important to look for the UMF quality mark. So get ready to discover the wonders of Comvita Manuka Honey and why it’s the go-to brand for naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, and even elite athletes.

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value)

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Discover more about the Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value).

How Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) Works

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) is a premium honey derived from the nectar of the Manuka flower in the pristine forests of New Zealand. This honey is certified UMF 5+ (MGO 83+), meaning it meets the stringent quality standards set by the UMF Honey Association. It is raw, wild, unpasteurized, non-GMO, and gluten-free, ensuring you are getting the purest and highest quality Manuka honey available.

Boosts Overall Health

Comvita Manuka Honey is packed with various beneficial compounds that promote overall health. It contains natural pollens and enzymes that support a healthy immune system. The honey also contains beneficial oligosaccharides and prebiotics, which help support a healthy digestive system. Additionally, it is rich in amino acids that are essential for maintaining good health.

Versatile Uses

This superfood honey can be used in various ways to enhance your daily routine. You can add it to your tea, oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothie for added flavor and health benefits. It can be enjoyed by the spoonful as a simple and delicious treat. Comvita Manuka Honey can also be used as a morning wellness ritual, providing a natural energy source before your workouts. Furthermore, it can be used as a DIY skin brightening facemask for its skin-nourishing properties.

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) Uses

Promotes Immune System Health

One of the key uses of Comvita Manuka Honey is to support the immune system. The natural compounds found in Manuka honey have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help combat infections and boost overall immunity. Consuming this honey regularly can provide an extra layer of protection against common illnesses.

Supports Digestive Health

Comvita Manuka Honey contains beneficial oligosaccharides and prebiotics that nourish the beneficial bacteria in your gut. This helps promote a healthy digestive system and prevent digestive issues such as indigestion and bloating. Adding Manuka honey to your daily diet can support optimal gut health and improve overall digestion.

Enhances Skin Health

Applying Comvita Manuka Honey as a facemask can provide numerous benefits for your skin. The honey’s natural properties help moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and radiant. It can also help soothe and calm skin irritations, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. Regular use of Manuka honey as a skincare treatment can improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

See the Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value) in detail.

Product Specifications

To give you a better understanding of the specifications of Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+), here is a table visualizing the key details:

Specification Details
UMF Rating UMF 5+ (MGO 83+)
Certification UMF Honey Association Certified
Origin New Zealand
Size 35.2 oz (Best Value)
Ingredients Raw Manuka Honey
GMO Status Non-GMO Project Verified
Gluten-Free Certified Gluten-Free

Who Is Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) For

Comvita Manuka Honey is suitable for a wide range of individuals looking to improve their overall health and well-being. It is particularly beneficial for:

  • Individuals looking to boost their immune system and protect against common illnesses.
  • Those seeking natural remedies and holistic approaches to health and wellness.
  • Health-conscious individuals who want to incorporate a superfood into their daily routine.
  • People with digestive issues or who want to support their gut health.
  • Individuals searching for a natural and effective skincare solution.

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value)

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Pros and Cons

Here are some of the key pros and cons of using Comvita Manuka Honey:


  • Certified UMF 5+ (MGO 83+) ensures quality and authenticity.
  • Raw, wild, and unpasteurized, preserving the honey’s natural benefits.
  • Non-GMO Project Verified and Certified Gluten-Free for added peace of mind.
  • Versatile uses in various recipes or as a standalone treat.
  • Promotes overall health, supports immune system and digestive health.
  • Can be used as a natural skincare treatment for radiant and healthy skin.


  • Higher price point compared to regular honey.
  • Some individuals may not enjoy the distinct taste of Manuka honey.


  1. Is Comvita Manuka Honey 100% pure? Yes, Comvita Manuka Honey is 100% pure and certified by the UMF Honey Association for its authenticity and quality.

  2. How should I store Comvita Manuka Honey? It is recommended to store the honey at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

  3. Can I give Comvita Manuka Honey to children? Yes, Comvita Manuka Honey is safe for children over the age of one. However, it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new food to your child.

  4. Can Comvita Manuka Honey help with allergies? While some people find relief from allergies by consuming local honey, it is important to note that the effectiveness may vary from person to person. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value)

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What Customers Say About Comvita Manuka Honey

Customers praise Comvita Manuka Honey for its exceptional taste and quality. Many have noticed improvements in their overall health, including boosted immune systems and improved digestion. Customers also appreciate that it is a trusted brand with a long history of beekeeping expertise.

Overall Value

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) delivers exceptional value for those seeking the unparalleled benefits of Manuka honey. Its authenticity, purity, and versatility make it a worthwhile investment for your health and well-being.

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value)

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Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To get the most out of your Comvita Manuka Honey experience, here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Start with a small amount and gradually increase your intake to allow your body to adjust to Manuka honey’s unique properties.
  2. Incorporate the honey into your daily routine, such as adding it to your morning tea or using it as a natural sweetener in recipes.
  3. Explore different ways to use Manuka honey, such as applying it as a face mask or using it as a natural remedy for minor wounds or burns.


In conclusion, Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) is a premium product that offers exceptional health benefits. Its authentic sourcing, rigorous testing, and versatile uses make it a top choice for those seeking the best Manuka honey on the market. Incorporating Comvita Manuka Honey into your daily routine can enhance your overall health and well-being, making it a valuable addition to your pantry.

Product Summary

Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) is a raw, wild, non-GMO honey sourced from the pristine forests of New Zealand. It offers numerous health benefits, including immune system support, improved digestion, and enhanced skin health. Its versatile uses make it a superfood for daily vitality.

Final Recommendation

If you are looking for a high-quality, authentic Manuka honey that meets rigorous standards, Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) is the perfect choice. Enhance your well-being with this incredible superfood and experience the wonders of nature in every spoonful.

Find your new Comvita Manuka Honey (UMF 5+, MGO 83+) | New Zealand’s #1 Manuka Brand | Raw, Wild, Non-GMO | Superfood for Daily Vitality | 35.2 oz (Best Value) on this page.