11 Natural Ways to Fight Allergies

When your immune system reacts to something that does not bother other people, you’re experiencing an allergy. Anti-histamines are readily available to eliminate allergies. However, you might want to try natural remedies that can work wonders.

Below are 11 things you can do at home to fight allergies:

1. Know Your Irritants

Make an appointment with an allergist for a test to identify your triggers. Knowing what you’re allergic to can be the first step inĀ  creating a plan to avoid them because with allergies, avoidance is key.

2. Stay Clear Of Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke can intensify your drippy, itchy, stuffy nose and watery eyes. Choose smoke-free restaurants, clubs, as well as hotel rooms. Stay clear of other fumes that can make your signs worse as well, like aerosol sprays and smoke from wood-burning fireplaces.

3. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture’s effectiveness against allergies are still unverified, but some people have testified to its effectiveness. Consult your doctor before giving it a try.

4. Steam Works Wonders

Breathe in some steam. This simple trick can relieve a clogged nose and assist you to breathe easier. Hold your head over a big dish or sink full of hot water, and position a towel over your head to trap the steam. Or sit in the bathroom with the hot water running.

5. Clean Your Home Naturally

Keep your house clean. It’s one of the most effective ways to stay clear of interior allergens. However, harsh chemicals can irritate your nasal passages and exacerbate your allergic reactions. So make natural cleaners with daily components like vinegar or baking soda.

6. Increase Your Fluid Intake

Sip more water, juice, or various other nonalcoholic beverages if you feel stuffy or have a postnasal drip from your allergic reactions. The extra fluid can thin the mucus in your nasal passages and provide you some relief.

7. Try Nasal Rinse

A nasal rinse cleanses mucus from your nose and can reduce allergic reaction symptoms. It additionally can whisk away bacteria, thin mucus, and cut down on postnasal drip.

8. Right Nutrition

In one study, kids who consumed great deals of fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts– especially grapes, apples, oranges, and tomatoes– had fewer allergic reactions. Scientists are still trying to figure out the connection between nutrition and allergies.

9. Put on a Mask or Face Cover

Masks and Face Covers keeps irritants from getting into your respiratory tracts. An N95 respirator mask, offered at most pharmacies and medical supply shops, will obstruct 95% of little particles, such as plant pollen and other irritants.

10. Shower/Bathe/Wash Up

Each time you walk into your house, you bring a small portion of the outdoors with you. After being outdoors, your clothes, footwear, hair, and skin are covered with little bits from anywhere you’ve been. Shower and change your clothes to wash away any irritants.

11. Close Your Windows

Keep the doors and windows closed to protect your interior air if the pollen count is high. Likewise, you can install a HEPA filter on your air-conditioning system and a filter on your furnace.